Leaf Suncatcher

Fall is my absolute favorite season. A perfect blend of warm and cold, sweaters, fall foliage, Pumpkin lattes, and so much more! Who can resist sitting on the slope and looking out at all of the fall foliage? I’ve never made a leaf suncatcher before and it was so fun just being able to get creative and make some crafts. I really love decorating my dorm according to the seasons/holidays and this made such a great addition to the stickers on my dorm windows! It was nice being able to see everyone on the zoom call and I found it cool we had different leaves in our kits, it made it fun and interesting!

One thought on “Leaf Suncatcher

  1. I did that as well! It was a great time to destress and put energy into something fun. With assignments and group projects being overwhelming, I thought it would be a good way to spend the time