ASL, New skill and new opportunities

This seminar, Signing On: An Introduction to American Sign Language, was a fun and informative that taught me a valuable skill in a inviting and easy way. Before taking this seminar, I knew a few words in sign language like “thank you” and “more” and a few letters that I had picked up from a class my family took many years ago, so I essentially knew nothing. This seminar taught us a lot of new key phrases like the alphabet, how to introduce ourselves, different majors, and some essential questions. I really enjoyed learning more about sign language and feeling a little more confident in a new skill. Most new languages can be very challenging, but I feel that ASL is easier to learn because a lot of the signs are more or less intuitive in acting out the motion or objects for words you would like to convey. Probably the hardest parts of learning sign language are remembering all of the slight specific differences between gestures and utilizing your face and emotions to express the correct word or phrase, and also how the sentence structure in ASL is switched from English sentence structure. Nonetheless, I thought this was a great class and is a great skill to have. Being a hearing person, a lot of the information I take and how I communicate with occurs through sound and I do not often think about people that are hard of hearing and how they navigate the world in a completely different way. After learning some sign language, I am thinking more about this and I am happy that I am slightly more able to be empathetic to this community and communicate with them through speech a little better than I could before.

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