Science, Religion, Climate Change, Oh My!

In one of the more interesting Becker/ Rose Café meetings, Dr. Gregory Sloan discussed Galileo’s findings regarding the complicated relationship of science and religion. Sloan centered his discussion on the trial of Galileo and the various debates about what was at the center of our solar system. Dr. Sloan definitely has a lot of sagacity regarding the subject. Galileo discovered that the sun was in the center of our solar system and that the geocentric model that Aristotle and the church believed was anachronistic. One of the points that I thought was intriguing was when Dr. Sloan’s talked about how he thinks that people can devote themselves to science research and discovery while at the same time remaining committed to religious practices. Many people believe that science and religion are mutually exclusive, but I agree with Dr. Sloan’s opinion. Another topic discussed was climate change. Sloan related climate change to the Galileo vs Church debate when he talked about how companies effected what the public knew about harmful emissions into the atmosphere and how they are an environmental issue. This was a very interesting parallel to tie together the lecture.

2 thoughts on “Science, Religion, Climate Change, Oh My!

  1. I agree with your view, that science and religion are mutually exclusive. The proof lies in that there are many scientists who are still religious. One quote from the movie “The Notebook” that I really like is: “Science only goes so far, and then comes God”.

  2. It is interesting to connect the debate between climate change and religion to that of Galileo. So many people will say anything to further their economic status and exploit any fears. Climate change is such a controversial topic when the only thing people should focus on is how to solve it, not whether it truly exists. It is so hard to hold a debate when someone does not want to listen to reason because of their own self interest.

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