Stress Relief with Guiding Eyes

It’s unbelievable how much relief and joy a simple touch can bring after a stressful day.  During last Friday’s Pet-A-Puppy event presented by Guiding Eyes, we learned about the extensive training a single dog must undergo from birth in order to eventually become a guiding eye dog; some new programs involving those with autism; and the services currently offered by Guiding Eyes.  Upon entering the crowded room, it was immediately evident that all of the dogs were exceptionally obedient, calm and well-adapted to large audiences.  In all honesty, I entered the event feeling a little jealous of the seemingly glorious lives of the guiding dogs, who don’t have to endure the stress of prelims or the exhaustion of pulling an all-nighter.  However, after watching the dogs being pet and possibly harassed by dozens of hands for two hours, I realized that these guiding eye dogs are under a similar level of stress as us on a daily basis.  In reality, they must undergo critical diagnostic, intelligence and obedience tests in order to make it through numerous rounds before becoming a guide dog.  Moreover, those who fail to pass a test are eliminated from the competition to become a guiding eye dog and are placed into a loving home.  Ultimately, the joy and relief that we experience petting guiding eye dogs overshadows the hardwork that the dogs must undergo everyday.  Unlike most other dogs, guiding eye dogs possess the incredible ability to spread their calmness to everyone around them, although one could only wonder about the pressure and exhaustion the dogs must feel after living a lifetime of nonstop human interaction. 

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