I love puppies. Anyone who knows me knows I love my dog pretty much more than anything else on this planet. Dogs are amazing animals and it really makes me sad how so many people think they are just that – just animals. We treat my dog like another person in my house. When you pay attention, you notice just how expressive dogs are. They get happy, sad, frustrated and tired. They miss their humans when they’re gone but they also need their own alone time. They can communicate very effectively if you know how to listen, and they can tell you things beyond just “I need to go out” or “I’m hungry”. And every dog is different – snuggly dogs will tell you that they love you by plopping in your lap. My dog, who is a German Shepherd, doesn’t like to snuggle, but she tackles me every time I come home and follows me around the house and sits at my feet when I watch tv or eat dinner.

Guiding Eyes is a nonprofit organization which breeds all their own dogs and trains them to be seeing eye dogs. They work with labs and shepherds, and the process is very extensive and is as much about the dogs as it is about the people. People get matched to dogs and the people actually have to go through training as well to learn about the particular aspects about the dog and how to handle them. The dogs also have some sort of say – if they really don’t seem to enjoy the work or if there is a reason they cannot work, they are given to loving homes as pets. Guiding eyes recognizes the amazing abilities of dogs and their intelligence, and I really appreciated hearing about the organization (and playing with the puppies!)

3 thoughts on “PUPPIES!!!

  1. I totally agree, I think dogs are amazing and each one has a unique personality that makes them stand out. I think this program is great and these dogs help people in so many ways from being companions and friends to service dogs that save people’s lives. It upsets me to see when they are mistreated or abused because they feel pain and they express their emotions to us through the way they interact with us and others around them. Looking around the room everyone was happy and smiling to be around them and I think that says a lot about how much joy they really can bring to our lives. Especially with finals around the corner I thought this was a great way for people to relax.

  2. Even though Guiding Eyes specializes pairing dogs with potential owners, I think that you raise a good point about really understanding the pet of the household in general. I see a lot of people who buy a dog, but end up giving them to a shelter because they don’t really understand the needs or they don’t feel the pet is compatible for their household? But it’s awesome to hear that there are organizations that train dogs and pair them up with people in need!

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