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Wide Applicability of PageRank algorithm In the article “How Google’s PageRank Quantifies Things (Like History’s Best Tennis Player) Beyond The Web”, the author talks about the wide applicability of the PageRank algorithm. She indicates that PageRank is not simply a tool developed by Google to support its business. Moreover, PageRank can be used in diverse fields, ranging from literature […]

Search Engine as Search Media The article argues that search engines like google, though might appear that they are fundamentally different from news or social media because search engine is simply a way for web users to access existing information, search engines, rather than providing a neutral way to find information, may actually play a major role in shaping […]

Amazon is Eating Into Google’s Most Important Business: Search Advertising From last week’s lectures, we went through the concept of Web Search and how large search companies, like Google, make revenues. The idea of PageRank and assign values to each webpage was introduced. By looking at the webpage that a website is linked to and how reliable this linking page is, the seller could […]

Structural Balance between Syria, Turkey, and the United States Recently, President Trump and the rest of the White House have been struggling with whether or not they should leave American troops in Syria. Earlier this month, Trump removed all US troops form the area, however now there is reason for U.S. interests within Syria to be protected: oil. Trump and the White House […]

A History of Google Algorithm Updates and What’s Next

Google’s search algorithms have improved dramatically over the past few years, making it difficult for its competitors to keep up with the site and stay at the top of search engines. This article recaps some of the most important updates Google has made to their algorithm over the last six years.  The article mentions 5 […]

Auctions and the Rise of Supreme’s Exclusive Streetwear

Supreme launched in 1994 as a little-known skateboarding shop in New York and since then has transformed into a global luxury phenomenon. The company intentionally releases every product in limited quantities online and in their stores – with drops scheduled usually on Thursdays at 11 am, after which the products are re-sold at significant markups. […]

Matching Markets in Life and Love

Game, set, and match: College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage: “Game, set and match” by the Economist highlights the research by Nobel prize winners Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley done on matching markets. The hardest part about applying matching markets in the real world is that many systems don’t rely on monetary […]

BERT: Google’s Latest Update to Search   Google on October 25th updated its search algorithm to implement BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a natural language processor built to contextualize search queries. BERT can better understand context in search queries to provide more relevant results in recognizing natural linguistics that computers historically were not able to comprehend. Specifically, BERT can […]

The Effect of Google’s First Price Auctions on Publishers   Much news was made about Google’s switch to using first-price auctions, and recently that switch was made. In the short term, it has been beneficial to many publishers, who have seen a boost in CPM. CPM, the cost per thousand impressions, determines how much money advertisers have to pay per impression […]

Google’s Search Algorithm

Google’s search algorithm has been talked about for a very long time and, as stated in the article, has even been the topic of full on books. When someone goes searching for something on google, there are many different things they could be looking for. For example, in the video in the article they are […]

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October 2019
