Snapchat’s New Dynamic Ads: Search Engines, Hubs, and Authorities
I read this article recently about one of Snap’s (Snapchat’s company) recent developments, and it immediately reminded me of some of our class’s recent topics. The article is about how Snapchat has begun using Dynamic Ads, where advertisers can now create ads in real time automatically, based on extensive product catalogs that can contain hundreds of thousands of products. These ads are then served to users based on data collected about their interests, using a set of templates provided by the company. The pros about this new design are that they will save the advertisers time since they won’t have to manually create ads, and will help better attract ad dollars from retail/e-commerce/direct-to-consumer brands. The ad will adjust automatically when or if the product’s details/price/availability/etc. Happen to change, further making it easier for the companies whose ads are being displayed. Especially since Instagram’s ads have become oversaturated, Snapchat believes it can do well here, as its ads will be a lot cheaper to purchase and it can better cater to the millennial audience.
This news article relates to our recent lessons, because it highlights how Snapchat has figured out a way to take data from its users about their interests, and then determine what information will be made visible uniquely to each user, similar to the way search engines work. Furthermore, it relates to our lessons on authorities and hubs, as these dynamic ads allow Snapchat’s users to encounter ads that they would be interested in with less efforts from all sides. If successful, it will be both more effective and cheaper than say Instagram ads, making it a win for both the companies buying the ads and Snapchat.