Online advertising increases its dominance as the biggest ad medium
Last year, spending on online advertisements surpassed spending on TV advertisements to become the biggest ad medium, and the gap between the two ad mediums is only increasing. In 2018, advertisers spent $40 billion more on online advertising than they did on TV advertising. Online advertising commands 40% of the global ad spending, and it’s […]
How A Failure of Selling Ad Slots Can Endanger Lives During Humanitarian Crises
When Hurricane Dorian impacted the Bahamas, there were some unmapped regions of the islands that slowed down the search for missing persons. Using satellite images, volunteers mapped these regions and their components. These areas are often left unmapped by commercial mapping companies because it would be unprofitable to map them due to a lack of […]
💕💝Rupert Murdoch, The Islamic State, Heart Emoji’s and Tiktok- How Tech Companies are monitoring content in the face of increasingly tech savvy terrorists💘❤️ This week, it was reported- originally by the Wall Street Journal that a string of posts across 24 Tik Tok accounts were associated with recruiting efforts by the Islamic State. If you’re anything like me, these news reports must be just as appalling to you as they were for me- […]
Empathy and Game Theory, how civilizations come to be. This article explores a branch of game theory, something which we has discussed in class, named evolutionary game theory, which is game theory applied to evolving populations in biology, basically the modeling of Darwinistic competition. What this article is about is the evolution of cooperation within societies, what makes our present societies so cooperative. […]
Google Search Engine, PageRank and Racism: Problems That Arise With Google’s Ranking Algorithm This article is about how Google’s search results are organized in a way that underscores gender and racial stereotypes, calling the algorithm itself “bias against black girls.” It is directly related to some of the problems we discussed in class about search engine algorithms as well as addresses the page rank algorithm that we […]
Nash Equilibrium in Poker In Exploitability and Game Theory Optimal Play in Poker, Jen Li introduces and explores the theory and briefly touches on the mathematics involved in understanding Nash equilibriums present in a 2-player game of no limit Texas hold’em. To understand the rules of this variation of poker, Li provides a brief overview of the […]
Mismatch in the Housing Markets When we think of markets, we usually think about buyers and sellers with prices doing the work of connecting them. This basically describes commodity markets, things like sugar and iron ore—goods that are not differentiated. Houses’ and our needs for them are all unique. This is why standard economic theory has difficulties in explaining […]
Facebook Ad Score and Ranking
Cost Per Click (CPC) shows on average, how effective your ad is and your cost to acquire a lead. The CPC depends on a variety of factors like audience size, niche, advertising goals, and industry. The average CPC for different industries varies dramatically and depends on the competition in that market and the overall bidding […]
Google’s Algorithm and Its Effect on Journalism\ Google holds a lot of power in the modern world. It has the power to direct users to sources and choose which sources to give priority to. Many users blindly trust Google and assume Google’s top results are the most reliable. This can lead to unintended consequences, especially in the industry of journalism. […]
Hub and Authorities in the World Trade Network
Link: The article discusses a research in which a well-defined weighted hyperlink-included topic search (HITS) algorithm was used to calculate the values of the hub and authority for each country of the world trade network (WTN). The first empirical characterization of the world trade web as a network built upon the trade relationships between countries […]
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