Facebook says it will deliver News Corp stories
Link: https://techxplore.com/news/2019-10-facebook-news-corp-stories.html This article was about how Facebook has plans for a new tab that will deliver “News Corp” stories. This tab will include news from recognizable news sources such as the Wall Street Journal, with a human team selecting the specific relevant and/or breaking news that will make it on to this tab. It […]
Updates in Google Search Algorithm Affecting Traffic
There is hope after a site gets hit by a Google core update Google core updates refers to changes to google’s core search algorithm when users are using the search feature. SEOs stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process followed by webmasters to increase traffic and appeal so that search engines are more […]
Are Search Engines Politically Biased?
Blog Post #2 https://www.diggitmagazine.com/articles/google-politically-biased In the past few years there has been talk over whether the results of search engines are politically biased. Particularly in regards to Google since it is by far the most used search engine. The CEO of Google even had to appear before Congress in 2018 to testify about this issue. […]
Google Scholar Citations
https://www.natureindex.com/news-blog/google-scholar-reveals-most-influential-papers-research-citations-twenty-nineteen Online webpage visitation can be used to determine major topics of interest in modern society. To determine what people are choosing to learn about may illuminate prospects for industries in science and technology. Google has been tracking citation data through Google Scholar, an online database for academic journals. This article touches upon the most […]
Pay High Or Pay Low
https://theconversation.com/inside-the-ransom-business-why-kidnapping-rarely-pays-110678 In some communities, the risk of kidnapping can be especially high. Sometimes, paying a ransom is the only way to release the kidnapped person. In situations where the police do not have time to get involved, a family may decide what they are willing to pay for a ransom, and how they plan to […]
Misconceptions Of The Power Of Spiderman
https://www.businessinsider.com/sony-blames-disney-for-spider-man-deal-falling-apart-2019-8 Spiderman has long been a fan favorite of superhero movies. Numerous iterations and attempted reboots religiously attended by fans show the continued excitement and loyalty for the character. In 1998, Sony gained the rights from Marvel for the Spiderman character and subsequently produced two ventures at Spiderman series with Tobey Maguire playing the role […]
How Facebook is curbing the spread of anti-vax misinformation
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/07/technology/facebook-anti-vaccine-misinformation.html This New York Times article describes Facebook’s plan to address the issue of vaccine misinformation. Facebook is following in the footsteps of sites like YouTube and Pinterest to curb the spread of vaccine misinformation. YouTube introduced a rule that prevented anti-vaccine videos from being able to show ads on their videos. Facebook is […]
Game Theory, Sports, Whistleblowing
https://www.lawinsport.com/content/articles/item/how-game-theory-can-help-us-design-more-effective-whistleblowing-polices-for-sports-part-1 Whistleblowing, naturally, remains a concern to many potential “whistleblowers.” It is essential for the preservation of the integrity of various institutions including, in this case, sports. The author, Louis Weston, makes the argument that as high-profile cases of cheating, drug doping, or other violations of rules, constantly hit headlines there needs to be a […]
Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge Analytica https://www.businessinsider.com/cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-facebook-data-2019-10 Much has been said about how Google collects data on people who use their search engines in order to then create a personality profile of them. For example, if a women who visits cat blogs a lot, spends countless clicks browsing the “feline” section of wikipedia, and looks at cat videos on […]
Neutral Web Searches v.s. Revenue-Maximizing Search Ranks
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/itl2.10 The article above describes an interesting aspect of search engines, specifically page rank. The article describes a study of how a biased page rank is detrimental to innovation. The article describes these biased page ranks of search engines as non-neutrality. This begs the question: why might search engines provide biased page ranks in the […]
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