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The ‘Click’ Moment, and the ‘Weinstein Effect’

This article discusses the movement brought on by the allegations against Harvey Weinstein, and the history of women speaking up against sexual harassment. The article talks about Anita Hill’s televised testimony against Clarence Thomas in 1991, and how according to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, complaints about sexual harassment skyrocketed. In the past, they used the term “the ‘click’ moment” to describe the effect created, and in relating it to today’s ‘Weinstein effect’, it brings up the concept of the butterfly effect – how the flap of a butterfly’s wing can result in a tornado.

The ‘Weinstein Effect’ is relevant, as women across the world are speaking up against sexual harassment, and vocalizing their complaints. Similar to clusters and cascades, the early adopters, or starters of the movement tend to be higher in status, or who travel/whose voices travel widely. The movement started with Ashley Judd, and when she was not shut down for speaking up – women all throughout Hollywood began to as well. Soon, other actresses across the world who had heard about these allegations also spoke up about their experiences with Weinstein. The movement then expanded to include the political sphere, as allegations against members of the British Parliament and the U.S. government came to light. From there, women at home, work, and in their own communities felt empowered in talking about their experiences with sexual harassment with their friends, family, and coworkers. As the movement grew in size and power – some even confronted their harassers and those who enabled them. The movement spread down through clusters of communities, aided by social media, to benefit and empower a movement against sexual harassment.

Interestingly, the concept of clusters is also prevalent in the fact that these women were harassed for so long without anyone speaking up. The cluster of men in Hollywood were all enabled to harass women, as all of the other men in Hollywood were doing it – so why shouldn’t they use their own power as well?

The concept of clusters and cascades is explicitly displayed within this recent movement. The only question is – what happens next? In the past, the movement retreated to conversations amongst women in their homes, communities, and workplaces. They stopped speaking up because of the deprecatory remarks Anita Hill received. But this time it isn’t just “the ‘click’ effect”. The current movement is a lot more powerful and widespread than the last – it spread across the globe.


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