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iModule Status Dashboard – Use this link as a first step to see if iModules is available.  If i Modules indicates all green but there appear to be issues contact the iModules support staff.


‘Non-Critical Issues”

To report an issue or submit a question regarding Cornells iModules system ,  send an e-mail to AAD iModules Support to create a ticket.  Please provide a description of the issue and include any time sensitivities.  This will create a ticket that should be acknowledged by the next business day.


‘Critical Issues”

If the issue is of a critical nature,  call in the following order:

  1. Ron Babuka – 255-7694
  2. Leigh Stock – 254-7118
  3. Kim Clark – 254-1538

iModules Client Connect

Client Connect is a electronic newsletter that iModules produces  with upcoming news regarding beta products,  releases,  and training opportunities. This is a good way to see whats coming up with the product.

May 2 issue of Client Connect


Support Model


Support Model for iModules


Additional Information

Administrative  use of iModules is not supported for mobile devices.






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