Two years ago, the NYS Berry Growers Association and Dr. Courtney Weber from Cornell’s Small Fruit Breeding Program entered into an agreement where members of the Association will be able to “test drive” advanced selections from Courtney’s breeding program. This is a phenomenal opportunity for all members of the Association and will make it possible for members to try potential raspberry and strawberry varieties before any other member of the grower community has the opportunity. This is a huge competitive advantage!
The NYSBGA and Courtney are now seeking growers that want to evaluate and provide feedback regarding the second advanced selection from Courtney’s strawberry breeding program under this agreement. The selection, NY01-16,is very large for the early mid-season. The largest fruit were 51 g (almost 2 ounces) without irrigation. Subsequent fruit hold their size well. The fruit have very aromatic flavor, are slightly dark red, firm, with an attractive conic shape. In 2013 it started fruiting on June 4 (one week prior to Jewel) and fruited until about July 1.
If you would like to trial this selection, you must be signed up as a member of the NYSBGA by April 1. If you are not a member, contact Paul Baker, Executive Secretary for the NYSBGA (716-807-6827) to get signed up. You can also download a membership form from After your membership has been confirmed, Paul will need your address, your shipping address, and your requested date for shipment. As part of the evaluation process, a one page site report form and a one page fruit/plant evaluation form will be submitted to the Berry Growers Association and the data will be forwarded to the Small Fruit Breeding program.
This is a wonderful opportunity brought to you by the NYSBGA and Cornell. Cornell is excited about being able to get data to see how advanced selections perform in commercial situations. Members can get a minimum of 1000 plants to a maximum of 2000 plants to test on their farm. Don’t miss out. Contact Paul Baker today!