Winter salad crops for Northern N.Y.? [Northern New York Agricultural Development Program News, 2013-03-06] – Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP)-funded trials at the Cornell University Willsboro Research Farm in Willsboro, NY, are evaluating winter lettuce production methods, including the use of prototype, low-wattage heating strips to warm the soil. “This research in Northern New York is the first attempt at developing a system for heating the greens-growing environment inside high tunnels using heating strips primarily designed for in-floor radiant heat,” says Extension Vegetable Specialist Judson Reid. (See also North Country Now story.)
Guterman Greenhouse Energy Conservation Project Saves $337,000 annually [Cornell Sustainable Campus 2013-03-06] – The project is replacing all greenhouse lighting and environmental controls. “Our continued collaboration with the Energy Management staff in Facilities Services is transforming sustainability in our growth chambers and greenhouses across campus,” says Andrew Leed, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station greenhouse manager. Project summary.
Northeast bee population declines confirmed [Cornell Chronicle 2013-03-11] – Northeastern bees have suffered population declines over the last 140 years. But none has faced a more devastating, rapid and recent collapse than the genus Bombus — the humble bumblebee, say entomologists in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences online, March 5. The researchers used data they gathered by combing thought insect collections and other institutions. Host-plant specialists, in particular, are worse off than generalist bees, says co-author Bryan Danforth, Department of Entomology.