From the Spring 2012 issue:
“Spring is a time of renewal and the magazine of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has undergone some exciting changes, including a new name. periodiCALS will provide the same news, updates and features you’ve come to expect, but will offer more in-depth content focused on a central theme, allowing us to showcase how the college’s breadth and depth of disciplines complement one another.
“In this issue, we explore if it’s possible to “win the food fight” against global hunger. The world population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. But with 1 billion hungry people on Earth today, how will we feed 9 billion? Find out how CALS faculty and students are developing solutions, starting in our own backyard. Also, meet some of our outstanding seniors and Olympian alumni, and read more about the latest happenings on and off campus, in the newly named and freshly redesigned college magazine, periodiCALS.”
Of particular horticultural interest:
Senior portrait of plant sciences major Alfonso Doucette (right).
Bringing Cornellians Closer to their Food – Features the USDA-funded Food Dignity Project, including Cornell participants Laurie Drinkwater and Scott Peters, tells of the work of the Cornell Small Farms Program with established and beginning farmers, and lauds the efforts of staff at the Homer C. Thompson Research Farm in Freeville to provide four acres of sweet corn and squash to dining halls as well as food for local pantries — 174,000 pounds in 2011.
New Strawberry Varieties – From Courtney Weber’s berry breeding program.
The (Not So) Sweet Smell of Success – Recaps the flowering of ‘Wee Stinky’ — the titan arum that’s part of the Department of Plant Biology’s Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium collection, including web exclusives such as time-lapse photography of the plant.