Ian Merwin is profiled in the October 4 Cornell Daily Sun: Prof. Merwin ’90: Horticulturalist, Local Farmer, Avocado Expert.
Nina Bassuk explains fall colors on North Country Public Radio: Fall leaves reaching their peak this week in the Adirondacks.
The October 2 Ithaca Journal (A forest is more than trees) reports on the open house at MacDaniels Nut Grove, where Ken Mudge demonstrated how to inoculate logs with shiitake mushroom spawn and other forest farming practices. “‘A lot of people want to maintain their woodlot,’ said Mudge. ‘They don’t want to sell it; they don’t just want to ignore it.’ Forest farming, he said, ‘is a bridge between the wild and the formalized garden.'”
Susan Lang reviews The Complete Book of Potatoes, by Hielke De Jong, Joseph B. Sieczka, and Walter De Jong, in the October 5 Cornell Chronicle article One potato, two potato … All about growing 55 disease-free potatoes and more.
After 29 years, nine-spotted ladybugs found on Long Island, according to an article in the Cornell Chronicle. “The nine-spotted ladybug, New York’s official state insect, was feared to be extinct in this state until citizen scientists rallied to Cornell’s call to help look for it. Several nine-spotted ladybugs were spotted by citizen scientists on Long Island this summer.”