Two noteworthy articles by Amanda Garris this week in the Cornell Chronicle:
Class gives Ithaca and Geneva sites a landscape makeover reports on projects this spring by Nina Bassuk and Peter Trowbridge’s Urban Eden class, including Hedrick Hall in Geneva as well as Roberts Hall and a rooftop garden at Malott Hall in Ithaca. “It seems fitting that a top-rated horticultural program should have a top-rated entrance,” said Department of Horticulture Chair Marvin Pritts, who suggested the Hedrick project. “The new landscaping is a visual benefit of the merger between Ithaca’s horticulture department and Geneva’s Department of Horticultural Sciences last summer.” View photo gallery of Hedrick planting party.
Ag station sows science literacy in Geneva schools profiles “a collaboration between Cornell’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (NYSAES) and the Geneva City School District that not only sows zucchini and marigolds, but also the seeds of scientific literacy. … With grants from NYSAES, Ag in the Classroom, and the Wyckoff Education Foundation, McCarthy and Cornell associate professors Christine Smart (plant pathology) and Stephen Reiners (horticulture) launched a hands-on science program to teach elementary school students about plant science.