With the help of a Dreer Award, Erin Marteal (’10 MPS Public Garden Leadership) is embarking on ” … a profound journey of discovery.”
Her mission? “To make heads and tails of permaculture, perceptions of permaculture, and how permaculture addresses the educational missions of public gardens across the globe.”
For the next six months, she traveling to Australia (New South Whales, Victoria and Tasmania), New Zealand (North and South Islands) and South Africa (Durban and Cape Town) with the primary focus of bridging permaculture into public garden education.
If you’d like to keep up with Erin’s travels — both geographical and intellectual — check out her blog, Permaculture in Public Gardens. Even though she hasn’t left the U.S. yet, she’s already started bloggin, including her visit to the Permasphere, the Los Angeles Arboretum’s Permaculture garden while attending American Horticultural Society’s Children & Youth Garden Symposium in Pasadena last month.