If you’d like to catch a glimpse of students’ final projects in Marcia Eames-Sheavly’s Art of Horticulture class, you can sneak a peek online.
You can also see previous classes’ work (as well as other class projects and videos) by visiting the Art of Horticulture’s gallery page.
And in another end-of-the-semester tradition, students in Frank Rossi’s Horticultural Science and Systems class spent their last lab of the semester on a hands-on/take-home activity on producing indigo dye from Indigofera tinctoria.
“We’ve been exploring the culture, history and chemistry of indigo dye, culminating in this week’s lab where students used indigo dye to to create a class banner and turn a piece of clothing into a work of art to take home,” says Rossi. “The course introduces students to plants grown for foods, beverages, fiber, aesthetics and recreation, and this artistic endeavor was a perfect ending to a semester exploring the art and science of horticulture.”
Update [2011-12-01]: Friday’s lab section …