Reduced Tillage Field Day:
Tools and Tactics for Organic Vegetables at Any Scale
August 14, 2017, 4 p.m to 7 p.m
Freeville Organic Research Farm at the Cornell HC Thompson Vegetable Research Farm
133 Fall Creek Road, Freeville NY
Join the Cornell Reduced Tillage Team for a field tour and discussion of practices to build soils and manage weeds in organic vegetables. Can tarps help replace tillage? How can we integrate cover crops with reduced tillage? What tools can be used for more strategic tillage and cultivation? Hear about the latest research and share experience from your own farm.
- Tour research plots on tarping in direct seeded crops, cover crop mulching for summer transplants, and practices for permanent beds
- View demos of strip till and cultivation tools in high residue
- Learn how in-row cultivation tools work with Integrated Weed Management Specialist Bryan Brown (NYS IPM)
This event is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is preferred here but walk-ins are welcome. Co-sponsored by NOFA-NY. Email Ryan Maher at with questions and visit the Cornell Small Farms Program website for more on the project.