Nina Bassuk presented a poster about her revamped Woody Plants Database at the SUNY Conference on Instruction and Technology held here on the Cornell campus May 27-30. (View poster.) The new site features mobile-friendly responsive design and is incorporating Google maps to locate plants on course walks. For nearly 15 years, different versions of the database have helped students in the course Creating the Urban Eden: Woody Plant Selection, Design, and Landscape Establishment (HORT/LA 4910/4920).
Marvin Pritts gave a talk to the Central Carolina Alumni Association May 19th entitled, “Food, Fuel, Farms and Flowers: How Horticulture Contributes to Human Well-being around the World.”
Alan Taylor gave an invited talk at the Royal Golden Jubilee Scholarship conference in Pattaya, Thailand and also lectured at Khon Kaen University.