‘Urban Eden’ students finish Caldwell Hall landscape

Urban Eden students and others after finishing Caldwell Hall landascape

Staff of the Cornell University Grounds Department, Campus Landscape Architect David Cutter, instructor Nina Bassuk and students in Creating the Urban Eden: Woody Plant Selection, Design, and Landscape Establishment (HORT/LA 4910/4920) pose after putting finishing touches on the landscape they installed this spring outside Caldwell Hall on the Ag Quad. (View time-lapse video of installation.) This spring the class also installed plantings outside Bradfield Hall and in the Statler Hall circle.

Cornell has been recognized as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation every year since 2009. Requirements for recognition include effectively managing campus trees in coordination with the surrounding community, engaging students in service-learning forestry projects, and providing outreach on the value of trees and urban forests through programs such as Arbor Day celebrations.

Below, Grounds Department Director Peter Salino (red jacket) assists with planting of Ponderosa Pine outside Caldwell Hall.

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