Cornell undergrads expand Ithaca boys’ horizons [Cornell Chronicle 11/14/2012] – As part of a program to help them develop strategies for regulating their behavior and emotions, six boys from Ithaca’s DeWitt Middle School visited Cornell Oct. 23 to experience a tantalizing slice of college life with their assigned undergraduate buddies. The event was the first in a long-term series of planned activities to bring the two groups of students into each other’s worlds. “For the boys, the sincere attention and interest of college students, sustained over nine months, adds a new voice to the chorus at DeWitt telling them they matter and that college is a real possibility,” said program organizer Bryan Duff (right), a lecturer in teacher education in the Department of Horticulture and faculty fellow for the Townhouses residence community.
Cider fundraiser presses on despite smaller harvest [Cornell Chronicle 11/7/2012] – Graduate students at the agricultural experiment station in Geneva pressed 20 bushels of apples from field trials and breeding programs into 45 gallons of cider with help from Research Support specialist Tom Gibson. They are planning two additional pressings this season, all to support the SAGES Advancement of Agricultural Studies Scholarship program for area high school students with agricultural interests from traditional farming to plant pathology to journalism.