The field day will be held at the Darrow Farm at 3227 Gates Rd., which is approximately 3 miles west of the Experiment Station off County Rd. 4 (North St. in Geneva) and 1 mile south on Gates Rd.
Your host for this event will be Dr. Courtney Weber focusing on a plasticulture trial with over 20 varieties from the Northeast, California and Florida. In addition, the newest strawberry varieties to be released from the Cornell University strawberry breeding program, Herriot and Purple Wonder, will be on display. Fruit from most varieties will be available for evaluation and tasting.
Additionally, Drs. Kerik Cox, and Greg Loeb and Extension Specialist Cathy Heidenreich will be on hand to present information and answer questions on production practices and pest management.
The program is free and open to the public but pre-registration is strongly encouraged to ensure adequate handouts and refreshments. Signs will be posted on the day of the event.
Please register by email, phone, or mail to:
Lou Ann Rago,
Cornell University-NYSAES
Dept. of Horticultural Sciences
630 W. North St.
Geneva, NY 14456.
phone: (315) 787-2394.
Questions may be directed to Dr. Courtney Weber at 315-787-2395 or