Science-y love blooms into 250-tulip proposal [CNET 5/24/2012] – John Gottula, graduate student in Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology proposed to girlfriend Kelly Voll by planting 250 red tulips last fall to spell out “Marry me Kelly” in SAGES garden plot at NYSAES. Update: Cornell Chronicle article.
Insect pollinators contribute $29 billion to U.S. farm income [Cornell Chronicle 5/22/2012] – According to a study by Nicholas Calderone, Department of Entomology, published in the May 22 issue of the journal Public Library of Science ONE, crops pollinated by honeybees and other insects contributed $29 billion to farm income in 2010.
Diagnostic labs analyze anything from bugs to toenails [Cornell Chronicle 5/24/2012] – Profiles of Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratory, Insect Diagnostic Lab, and Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, and