From Frank Rossi, who introduces students to plants grown for foods, beverages, fiber, aesthetics and recreation in HORT 1101 (Horticultural Science and Systems). View more HORT 1101 posts.
This week’s class focused on the the Fabiaceae family. We sampled hummus and “peanuts” from leguminous crops in lecture. The highlight of the week in lecture was the exploration of the art of horticulture with Marcia Eames-Sheavly, and then the culture, history and chemistry of Indigo dying.
The lab for the week kept with the hands-on/take home theme from the entire semester by producing indigo dye from Indigofera tinctoria. Then each student dyed an piece of clothing to take home and contributed to the lab section banner that hangs outside Plant Science 47C.
This artistic endeavor was a perfect ending to a semester exploring the art and science of horticulture.