Thursday, August 25, 2011, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Geneva, N.Y.
Cornell University’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station invites you to a Raspberry High Tunnel Open House featuring a primocane fruiting raspberry trial in a multi-bay commercial tunnel system at the Lucy-Robbins Farm in the town of Geneva, N.Y.
Take the opportunity to tour the facility, sample fruit from the variety trial and the Cornell Raspberry Breeding Program and ask questions about high tunnels, production practices, pest control and other aspects of raspberry culture. Dr. Courtney Weber will host the event and be on hand to answer questions and offer insights into growing raspberries under high tunnels.
The Lucy-Robbins farm of the NYSAES is located approximately 2 miles west of the Experiment Station at 3320 Sutton Rd. (Google map) 0.9 mile south off County Rd. 4 (County Rd. 4 is North St. in Geneva on the North side of the Station). Sutton Rd. runs north and south between County Rd. 4 and NYS Routes 5&20. From Routes 5&20 turn north at the Time Warner Cable Offices approximately 1.5 miles west of the Geneva Walmart.
The Open House is free and open to the public. Registration is requested for logistics and planning. Please register with Lou Ann Rago at (315) 787-2394 or
For questions or more information contact Dr. Courtney Weber at (315) 787-2395 or
View Cornell production guide: High Tunnel Raspberries and Blackberries