“The abundant sunshine we have had much of this summer and fall has likely produced leaves high in sugars. And sugars are important for production of anthocyanins pigments, which produce rich red colors. Working against this backdrop for brilliant fall colors is the recent, record-breaking heat and many warm nights. The summer has been quite dry in many areas, and this, too, would tend to inhibit good color and also stretch out or delay color.”
— David Wolfe Department of Horticulture in Dry, hot summer may curb autumn’s brilliance in the Oct. 2 Lockport (N.Y.) Union-Sun & Journal.
Also, the Boston Globe cites Tom Whitlow in an article about beach plums (A Plum Job, Oct. 3):
Famously unpredictable at harvest time, beach plum shrubs can produce a bounty one year and very little the next. This fickleness in the wild helps explain why they’re one of the last native North American fruits — along with the banana-like pawpaw in Appalachia — that haven’t been exploited for mass production, according to Tom Whitlow, a Cornell University horticulturalist.