Sleeping on Rice

In Chapter 3 of the Pagoda, Mr. Lowe is speaking to his friend, Kywing. Kywing suggests opening another shop, while Mr. Lowe is thinking about how important the shops are to the Chinese men who come to work in Jamaica. “They slept there underneath the counters on top of long grain rice and unbleached-flour bags” (Powell 39).

Rice is a staple dish amongst all cultures across the globe. Archaeologists have much trouble trying to determine where the grain comes from, but the first recorded mentions of it come from 2800 BC China. Emperor Shen Nung held many rice ceremonies after recognizing the importance of the plant to his people. Today, rice is celebrated during New Year events. It is also unclear how rice was introduced to America and Europe, but it is likely from soldiers, merchants, or pilgrims. In certain cultures, rice is associated with prosperity.

The use of rice in this scene is symbolic of how Chinese merchants came to Jamaica seeking success and wealth that could be sent to their families back home. By sleeping on top of these bags of rice, It represents the amount of effort it took for them to prosper in this new land, while holding onto & being supported by the culture they know.

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