Seen Zine – by BlackBirdRevolt

Hi everyone!

This post isn’t directly related to Afro-Asia, but I wanted to share a zine I found since it reminded me of the way we’ve been studying materials in all different mediums – literature, zines, art, music, food, etc. I came across an organization called Black Bird Revolt centering BIPOC activists to engage with communities and make change through design and art. They used to be based in my hometown, Duluth MN, but recently moved to St Paul. I follow them on Instagram and last month or so they published this zine that I thought was really well done, so I just thought I’d share it with you all! Honestly, before this class I hadn’t really heard of zines and I think they’re a really cool way to couple essays/poetry/analyses/stories with visual mediums like art/illustrations etc into a creatively cohesive piece. The link to check it out is below!

Seen Zine