
“It was into this room that Nadia moved when she separated from Saeed. The room smelled of potatoes and thyme and mint and the cot smelled a little of people, even though it was reasonably clean” (Hamid, 216-217).

Commonly associated with toothpaste, York patties, and Altoids, mint is an interesting herb because of its unique taste and many uses, from dessert to healthcare. Because of its strong and long-lasting flavor, it was used in items like Listerine and breath mints. It was believed that mint had healing and medicinal properties, especially concerning hygiene and digestion. One interesting myth regarding the creation of mint was that a nymph named Minthe flirted with Hades, angering Persephone who turned her into a plant that “people would step on” (“A Brief History of Mint”). Mint is now popularly used in cooking across the world, particularly in the Middle East which would be a familiar scent if one were to interpret the setting of the book there. While Nadia and Saeed have recently broken off from each other, signaling their ability to move freely into the world untethered, the scent of mint is enough to keep Nadia rooted to her past, while demonstrating the universality of what lies ahead for her.

“A Brief History of Mint, from Air Freshener to Breath Freshener.” Vox Creative, 4 Jan. 2016,