Song Choice “Sun Ra: Space is the Place”

If Space is the Place had an updated, 2019 soundtrack, I think Sicko Mode would be a great choice. Throughout the movie you see black people’s moves, thoughts, and choices being directed by several different music selections. In Sicko Mode, there are various times that the beat changes, where it seems as though an entirely different track has been put on. If this song was chopped up into these different tracks, I think it would be a very interesting way to remix and update those moments in the Space is the Place where music takes control of the plot, setting, and characters. It would give the movie a more 21st century sound, but also give the movie that same variety in music selection through the 3-4 different “moods” of this song.

2 thoughts on “Song Choice “Sun Ra: Space is the Place”

  1. Kennedy,

    Great song choice! Travis Scott and his producers’ tactics in this track parallel well with the director of Sun Ra’s use of music to set and pace the tones of the films’ different sections of plot.

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