sc2289 Borders by M.I.A. In Relation to Dark Princess

I found M.I.A.’s “Borders” connected with some themes in Dark Princess. “Borders” addresses boundaries in modernity in general: national borders, gender/sex/sexuality categorizations, and racial oppression. As an English singer of Sri Lankan descent, M.I.A. often discusses the theme of migration in her work. The refugee boat in her MV might refer to refugees who travel to Europe in recent years, but it also reminds me of how Matthew travels to Berlin to leave his American dream behind. “Guns blow doors to the system” signifies Matthew’s attempt for a violent revolution and his determination for a fundamental change in racial borders. Elements such as police shots, identities, privilege, and new world also speak to the theme of Dark Princess, which explores the Afro-Asia fusion, the definition of race and national identity, and White supremacy/imperialism. M.I.A.’s assertive message also reminds me of Matthew’s deterministic voice when he argues why a revolution on the color line is urgent.

Sherrie Chen (sc2289)

2 thoughts on “sc2289 Borders by M.I.A. In Relation to Dark Princess

  1. I agree that this was a great selection Sherrie! I think one thing that stood out to me in particular with this song, outside of the word choice was the mood of the background music at the very beginning ~(00:00-00:30). It reminds me of the feeling of Matthew on the boat at the beginning of part 2- his feeling of sickness from the smells and choppiness of the waters. I think the beginning of the songs has very melancholy tones which pairs with Matthew’s feelings of “gray grave waters”.

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