Tag Archives: disease

NEWA annual reports are available to the public

NEWA publishes a yearly report for stakeholders. These summaries document NEWA IPM extension to New York State growers along with other users served by NEWA partners. NEWA is a program of the New York State IPM Program which is part of Cornell Cooperative Extension.

A complete listing of annual reports is available here:

Click here for a list of NEWA annual reports

Each NEWA report includes an annual summary of the following:

  • operation and maintenance
  • geographic expansion
  • web use statistics
  • outreach
  • existing model upgrades
  • new model development
  • grants, projects, and initiatives
  • publications

Twenty-one NEWA annual reports are available for download, beginning in 1996 when NEWA was established by NYSIPM. Reports are published in January of each year.

Join our email list to be notified when the 2018 report is released.

Stay informed about NEWA. Click here to get regular updates.

Getting ticked? You’re not the only one

I was at Empire Farm Days working the New York State IPM Program booth last week. What do you think the most asked about topic was?

(J. Gangloff-Kaufman, NYSIPM)

Every question I answered was about ticks. This one is a Lone Star Tick, not to scale (they are much smaller). Ticks are probably most well-known as carriers of Lyme disease, and populations are on the rise in New York. Changing weather and climate patterns could be partly to blame. Growing seasons are getting longer, and ticks have more time to develop. Range expansion is another likely factor that coincides with increasing deer and mice populations. These animals pick ticks up in one area and carry them to new un-infested locations.

Typically by August, it is too hot and dry for ticks to seek hosts by questing, an interesting behavior where they crawl up grass. Joellen Lampman, School and Turfgrass iPM Extension Support Specialist with the NYSIPM Community program, has not observed the usual summer decline in dog tick and black-legged tick questing behavior this year. Ticks like to quest when humidity is greater than 85%, and 2017 so far has been favorable.

Ticks are a concern because of their ability to transmit, or vector, human diseases. Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are often in the news, but others are also of concern, depending on tick species.

Tick-borne diseases:

Black-legged Ticks  Lyme, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis and Powassan virus
Lone Star Ticks    Erlichiosis, STARI, and Tularemia
American Dog Ticks   Tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Brown Dog Ticks Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Bryon Backenson is a scientist with the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control at the NYS Department of Health. In 2016, he talked about ticks, vector-borne diseases and distribution at the 2016 New York State IPM Conference, Climate, Weather, Data: Protecting Our Crops and Landscapes. In his presentation, ‘Climate and Trends in Vector-borne Disease in New York‘, he summarizes recent changes in tick born illnesses throughout New York State. Overall, cases are on the rise in both rural and urban areas.

There are practical steps you can take to reduce the risk of vector-borne disease from ticks. The Community IPM Program offers several online resources including  Understanding and Managing Ticks – A Guide for Schools, Child Care and Camps and What’s BuggingYou? – How to deal with ticks. NYSIPM and the Community IPM Program will be developing additional tick education and informational resources for New York State audiences in the coming year.

New England states have dealt with ticks for a longer period of time and many resources are available from the region. University of Rhode Island has developed an online resource called Tick Encounter. You can find information about tick identification and guides, getting your clothing professionally treated and more. The University of Connecticut Experiment Station has also published a Tick Management Handbook. The Centers for Disease Control also provides an overview of tick management.

Protection from biting insects and ticks is an important part of prevention. Choosing the right repellent is an important step in the process. Consumer Reports has a useful article that reviews insect repellents to help you choose the right product.

Special thanks to M. Frye, J. Gangloff-Kaufmann and J. Lampman for supporting information.