Author Archives: Dan Olmstead

About Dan Olmstead

I'm the NEWA Coordinator here at the New York State IPM Program. I work to provide online decision support to growers in NY and across the country for IPM and agricultural best practices.

NEWA in Wisconsin – meet your coordinator

NEWA Wisconsin Coordinator

Amaya Atucha is an assistant professor and Gottschalk Chair for cranberry research in the department of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and State Fruit Crop Specialist with UW Extension. Her research program focuses on fruit crop physiology and production of deciduous fruit crops, predominantly cranberries and cold climate grapes, and her extension program delivers up to date, research-based information to fruit growers in Wisconsin. She is the editor for the Wisconsin Fruit Newsletter, a biweekly newsletter distributed statewide in Wisconsin, and is a contributor to the Cranberry Crop Management Journal, a publication highlighting research and extension in cranberry production at UW-Madison. | 608.262.6452

NY western bean cutworm crop risk outlook for 8/15/19

15 August 2019. Pheromone trap catches confirm WBC presence in all regions of New York State. NEWA WBC modeling indicates that all areas of the state have exceeded the threshold of 25% flight completion for egg mass scouting. WBC flights are expected to end within the next 7-10 days in all areas except Northern NY where estimates range from 85% to 92% flight completion.

Northern NY also experienced heavy WBC catches this week. Check this week’s NYSIPM Weekly Field Crops Pest Report for additional information.

An important reminder that WBC estimated flight emergence is only applicable when presence has been confirmed. Visit the NYSIPM Sweet Corn Pheromone Trap Report blog or NYSIPM Weekly Field Crops Pest Report, updated weekly, to find detailed WBC trap catch information for your area, along with European corn borer, corn earworm, and fall armyworm.

NY western bean cutworm crop risk outlook for 8/8/19

8 August 2019. Pheromone trap catches confirm WBC presence in nearly regions of New York State. NEWA WBC modeling indicates the threshold of 25% flight completion for egg mass scouting has been exceeded in all areas of the state.  All areas but the eastern Lake Ontario shoreline and the St. Lawrence Seaway are at 50% to 100% flight completion.

An important reminder that WBC estimated flight emergence is only applicable when presence has been confirmed. Visit the NYSIPM Sweet Corn Pheromone Trap Report blog, updated weekly, to find detailed WBC trap catch information for your area, along with European corn borer, corn earworm, and fall armyworm.