Assessment & Evaluation
Each rotation course has at least one primary instructor, assigned by the college registrar - only the registrar can add or remove primary instructors If you do not have...
For Non-Rotation Courses Login to course evaluations and click Edit next to the Evaluation title: From the pop-up window, choose Add Instructor Section: From the...
Create a course in eTest that imports enrollment from another course (eg VTMED 5500 Fluids which is part of VTMED 5500 Animal Health and Disease) Select ‘Create / Edit...
Go to the One Question view on the test results screen Select your question Click 'Change the point value' Set the Points = 0 Click 'Save And DO NOT...
If you have students who are taking a test in different time zone, the test becomes available and ends based on our time here in New York So, for example, if you set a test to...
Anatomy of a Multiple Choice Question Stem Vignette Lead in or direct question Alternatives Correct answer Distractors: plausible, three options shows no...
NOTES: This is available for Primary Instructors only Be sure your grades are finalized in Canvas before transferring Your grade will be computed from the Total column in...
A collection of information and resources presented at the July 15th Summer Teaching and Learning Series by Marnie FitzMaurice and Andrea Beukema Recording Resources...
The best way to add a video to eTest is to first add the video to the university Video on Demand, or Kaltura system There are two steps First, adding the video to Video on...
Go into your test results and click Test Score Sheet At the top right of your score sheet, click the Canvas icon Your csv file will download automatically Open your...