Free Movie

Learning about how a movie theater works has been more fascinating than I thought. We learned about the tedious process of obtaining newly released films as well as how the actual movie was projected on the screen.  We were generously given free access to any movie by Rose house. Therefore I thought this event was definitely worth the time to come to Ithaca.

The first thing the movie theater manager talked about was the process of obtaining a newly released movie. Up to two years ago, Hollywood still used films which took a long time to travel across the country. This was quite interesting because as a person from Japan, newly released American or European movies took a year or two to make their way over to Japanese movie theaters. As you can imagine, that was quite frustrating for many people including myself.  However, over the years I noticed that this delay of new releases was getting shorter and shorter. According to the manager of the movie theater, movie theaters have stopped using film altogether due to the large size and limited supply and are now using large flash drives instead. This conversion has allowed movie theaters to easily get the new movie on time.

Like most people, I have been to movie theaters many times without knowing anything about what happened behind the scene. I just assumed that there was a man in a back room with stacks of film, managing the projector and everything else that had to do with the theater. However, I was wrong. When we went into the back room, there was a large box with a projector on top. This box was the computer that scheduled  and played the movies, controlled the lights, managed the room temperature, and everything else that is associated to  the theater. I found this extremely fascinating and realized how much computers have changed our world.

Visiting a movie theater was more interesting than I thought. Before visiting, I did not have high expectations and thought that there would not be much to see other than the theater itself. However, I found that a movie theater has many more parts to it other than showing the movie. I would definitely go again!