From Class to the Kitchen

Last Saturday I, along with other Rose Scholars, had the opportunity to attend a cooking class– and it was probably my favorite Rose House event thus far! Emily Gier, of the Human Ecology school, taught us all basic knife work skills and cooking 101, like how to properly cut an onion and set up mise en place. After a few quick tips, we were off on our own to make our own dishes. Initially, I was pretty nervous. I absolutely love baking, in fact my sister and I actually have a cookie company! However when it came to “real” meals, I’m seriously lacking experience. Thankfully, there were plenty of assistants to help us all out. My dish was a spinach and tomato one pot pasta. When the dish was finished, I couldn’t believe that I had made it, and people were actually eating it! The beauty of one pot dishes is that there minimal clean up and they’re usually pretty simple without lacking in flavor. I’ve already planned to make this exact dish back at home and hopefully learn more one pot recipes!

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