Sometimes Healthy Food is more than just Veggies

Last week, I learned how to cook. Yes–you read that correctly. Me, a 19-year-old college student who voluntarily eats dry cereal at home just so I don’t have to wash my bowl, prepared soy sauce/ginger/garlic seared salmon with a side of veggie quinoa. It’s true. Yes. Honestly, I’d love to tell you that I spent an hour perfecting the dish and cutting the vegetables. But, this entire meal took me a solid 25 minutes to make, including the time it took me to cut the onions, celery, and walnuts. It turns out that fish cooks really quickly and you can literally just throw quinoa in a bowl of water for 15 minutes and leave it alone. Here’s a picture of my workstation!

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See if you can read the recipe…. Hehehe it’s a secret! No, I’m just kidding. Feel free to leave a comment on this post and I’ll give you the recipe!

And everyone prepared dishes too, so our entire meal tasted AMAZING. Big shoutout to the people who made the lasagna and the casserole: it was phenomenal. Unfortunately, I was too excited about all the food to take a picture before I ate it, but here are some of the remnants.

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Here’s a one of the one-pot pasta (yes, fewer dishes to wash!!) and the broccoli + mushroom casserole. Healthy, quick, easy, delicious.

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And here are my salmon + quinoa dishes! Or…well, what they used to be. That yellow plate houses the very last piece of salmon. There are also some really amazing looking tacos and omelets in this picture too. All the food went really quickly and was so yummy; honestly I’m pretty proud that I remembered to take pictures in the first place.

In all seriousness though, this food was so easy to make. I think that’s really important because we’re all college students are we’re going to be entering the real-world pretty soon. We have to learn how to feed ourselves because there’ll come a day when we can’t use our BRBs to buy a quick snack before class. I highly recommend looking into meals like these (everyone who attended this event has a whole packet of recipes, so if there’s anything you’re interested in, just let one of us know!); cooking isn’t nearly as intimidating as it seems.

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