I really appreciated Laura coming to speak to us. I always enjoy hearing about people’s career paths, because more often than not they contain surprises that lead the person to a place that they never would have predicted. As a college student who isn’t entirely sure of what she wants to do, this is very reassuring to hear, and it was certainly true in Laura’s case. Not only does her field of work differ drastically from her first job or what she studied as an undergraduate, she also transitioned from topic to topic around the world within the field of advocacy. Her path was very interesting and I admire how she developed such a fascinating career dedicated to serving others.
One of my favorite points that Laura made was that although not everyone is necessarily suited for advocacy or social work, there are many other ways to improve the world that are just as valuable. She seemed to think that knowing yourself and identifying your own strengths and passions were the most important things that can help you find a career that suits you. I appreciated this perspective, because it acknowledges the importance of supporting roles in the field of social work and advocacy, rather than just focusing on those who interact directly with others to offer help.