Afternoon out to the Orchestra

The Orchestra performance was a great way to relax before the start of finals. Mr. Sung and the entire Cornell Orchestra did an amazing job. I enjoyed all three of the pieces.

The first piece was relatively short, but featured a broad range of sounds. The second piece was a famous piece by Tchaikovsky. Some of the parts were easily recognizable from films and shows I’ve seen over the years. The last piece was by far the longest, and the story behind it is quite interesting. In the program pamphlet, it discussed the significance of the piece to the Finnish people when they were striving for independence. It is an important remainder of how music is interwoven into society, and that historical pieces offer good reflections of the people that lived then and the things they experienced. Although it may have been written a hundred, two hundred, or five hundred years ago, music is common bond shared through out the ages. It might be hard to imagine the day to day lives of our ancestors, but it isn’t as hard to imagine them enjoying music as we still do.

Overall, it was great to see a performance put on by such talented individuals.

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