All About College

Professor Schwarz gave a very interesting talk about college life at Cornell, based on his book How To Succeed in College and Beyond: The Art of Learning. As a professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, he himself has witnessed the stress students feel of getting in to such a prestigious school to dealing with schoolwork during their four years and pursuing a major they are genuinely interested in. One of the things that Professor Schwarz said that resonated with me the most was to choose classes according to the professor. As a premed student, I know my choice of core science classes is limited but my HD major allows me this flexibility. I think that this is something I will apply in the future and for the rest of my college career. It’s important to choose professors that care to teach. I know that in my time at Cornell, I have taken notice that some professors are more invested in their own research than their students. I think it’s important for professors who have an interest in their students doing well and it definitely shows in their lectures.

Schwarz also gave interesting details about student life at Cornell. He talked about financial aid, and how about half of Cornell students receive some type of financial aid. He also talked about studying abroad and how students always come back with knowledge of different cultures and become more tolerant of other cultures. This is definitely something I have noticed myself, hearing stories from older students.

One thing that didn’t really settle with me was hearing Professor Schwarz talk negatively about Greek life, stating that fraternizes and sororities conform people to a certain culture. Personally, joining Greek life has given me the chance to interact and meet people that as a transfer, I never would have gotten the chance to meet. I feel that people should not focus about the way the fraternity/sorority is perceived by others, but rather if they see themselves fitting in to the house. I know that I could act as myself and tell my sisters about anything. Moreover, I think it’s great to have a support system that always looks after for your well-being.

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