
I enjoyed my second Studio Thursday at the Johnson, and again had a nice time. As I mentioned in my blog last semester, my first Studio Thursday event had given me nostalgic feelings and so I had been looking forward to the next one.

At this event, we were shown a display of pottery/clay work from different tribes of Native Americans (I believe) for inspiration. We were then given clay to work with for the remainder of the time. Looking around, it seemed several of us participants were making some sort of bowl or container, while others had more creative ideas. I stuck to making a bowl from the beginning and found it relaxing, working to smooth it out and perfect it for near an hour.

In the end, I was happy with my product and brought it home to dry, but it didn’t last long (I think leaving it next to an open window on top of my heater cause it to crack).

One thought on “clay

  1. Hi John,
    This sounded fun! I really enjoy working with clay. I also find it relaxing smoothing it to perfection. :o)

    If you enjoyed this I think theres some kind of open studio time in Willard Straight every week (maybe Thursdays) with lots of art supplies free to use!


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