A Coach’s Wisdom

Coach Tanasoiu’s talk about his coaching philosophy was in some ways nostalgic for me.  I suspect that many people who have ever played a sport will feel the same way, the reason being is that there’s a very particular wisdom that only really good athletic coaches seem to capture–and Coach Tanasoiu absolutely has it.  The way that he talks and the passion that he displays about making people better is inspiring to me.  When I was growing up, one of my greatest influences were the football coaches that I had.  Pretty much more than anybody else, these men had a profound impact on essential characteristics.  When they would talk, I recall a distinct excitement in hearing what they had to say.  Coach Tanasoiu had the same effect in his short time with us.


The particular point he made that I like the most is about being very “intentional” with using time; I highlight intentional because I think it to be a great choice of word.  Too many of us let hours slip by with nothing good to come of them.  Just think of what we could get done if we put those wasted hours to a purpose–we could accomplish a lot more.

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