A Great Tour of Lab of Ornithology

This morning I went on a visit to Cornell lab of ornithology with several of my friends. After about twenty minutes of ride, we arrive at the lab and I was amazed by the beautifully-designed building. It is surrounded by a natural forest that allows birds to live so that the researcher can study different species better. First, there are two Cornell student toured us through the habitat around the building. It might be the season that we didn’t get to see many birds on that day. Halfway through the tour the guide stopped and started to imitate the sound of a bird and we then heard the bird’s response. Later he explained that that specific sound is a warning to the bird that there are predators around. This way the bird will come out and researcher can study the bird more closely then.

After the tour outside, we went back in the lab and my friend and I went to the store. They sells really cute earrings and other small souvenirs.

In the second part of the visit, we got to see inside the lab building and learn the work behind scenes. I was amazed when I know that the lab has the largest bird sound library and many films has used the sound record in it, even including Harry Potter! We also went in the classroom and saw several bird skeletons and specimen.

This trip was great and and. I learned a lot about birds and that Cornell is great in ornithology. I love the event and would recommend to go there if you are interested!

3 thoughts on “A Great Tour of Lab of Ornithology

  1. Wow! That is amazing! I did not know that the bird sounds in films even came from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology with the bird sound library. That is really cool!

  2. It sounds like your trip was very fun and educational! It’s so cool how popular movies use recordings of bird sounds from Cornell! I did not know of Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology until this event. Maybe there will be more birds outside to see for a springtime visit!

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