“We Come as Friends”

poster227x227“We Come as Friends”

Those were the words the investors came in with upon South Sudan’s independence. I watched this documentary on Monday at the Cornell Cinema and at many points, I just wanted to cry.

There was just so much there. So much brought upon them because of us Americans and our drive for profits without considering what is at stake for others. The part that hit me hardest though was the missionaries in the film. As a Christian, I was appalled but the way they were slowly eradicating their culture without being aware of it. Good intentions? to hell with them. If you feel “called” by God to go to these countries, then represent us adequately. Learn the language. Try to learn as much as you can about their history. About the people. About their customs and culture. Don’t go in there, like in the documentary, and try to make it a “Little Texas.” The purpose of the Great Commission is to spread the love of God and to spread the Gospel which does NOT mean turn them into America. They claimed they were doing what they did in the name of God but I’m pretty sure that Jesus would not have done what these missionaries (and many others) have done in cases like this one.

There was a lot more in the movie. It hurt to watch. It angered me. I felt embarrassed to be a part of a country that is doing this to others. But it has fueled my desire to continue learning and be able to do something about it.



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