If I Could Go Back

Professor Schwarz gave a lecture about his book How To Succeed in College and Beyond: The Art of  Learning. He spoke about the difficulties of going through the application trials, dream schools, rejections, finding the right fit. It brought me back to the panic of my late high school years. Applying to college, doing extracurriculars, AP tests, the ACT, etc, etc.

This made me think about what I would tell myself if I had the chance to go back and have a conversation with my seventeen-year-old self. The most important piece of advice I would give myself is  to take more risks. As a junior in high school, I did not think I had the credentials to be accepted into a prestigious school like Cornell. I also had many other reservations about applying to a school that is thousands of miles away from home. I would definitely miss my family and friends, I would be in a completely new place that I have never been before, and I would not have my brothers to guide me. However, upon applying and being accepted I found out that I have potential.

Even being a sophomore at Cornell I have often questioned myself and my abilities. There have been many difficult times these past two years that have tested my resilience and fortitude. Looking back, with the support of friends and family, I was able to get through them. For the most part, I have never regretted taking the risks I have taken so far. In fact, I have shown myself that I am able to handle whatever comes my way.

I realized that applying to colleges showed me to take risks, and this motto is applicable to life in general. Little did I realize that the college application process was the beginning of the things that the college experience has taught me: time management, critical thinking, and taking risks outside of your comfort zone. I appreciated what Professor Schwarz had to say because he seemed to have substantial advice for people who are in college or applying, and his lecture made me reflect on my own experiences.

One thought on “If I Could Go Back

  1. I too thought back to my senior year of high school when I was applying to college. It was such a nerve wracking time and in my school students were pretty competitive and secretive about college applications. I wish I would have been more relaxed through the process and more confident in myself.

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