Good stress advice but not sure how to put into practice

Last Wednesday I attended the Rose Café event on stress advice and meditation. I learned how stress affects people by hearing the experience of other Rose Scholars.  I thought that the advice given was great but I wasn’t too sure about it being realistic for me. I feel that some of the advice was stuff that I’ve heard before but never really put into practice. I’ve heard about planners before but I think that something always comes up and I don’t really stick to my plan. Sometimes I just don’t manage my time well. One of the things that stuck with me the most from the event was hearing how we need 9 hours of sleep each night. I don’t think that this is something that I can realistically accomplish because I usually take2-3 hour naps after I eat dinner just so that I can study until 3am. Then I sleep maybe 5 or 6 hours. I’m not really sure how meditation would fit into my schedule cause I tend to finish all of my responsibilities that don’t include studying by dinner time so I guess I technically consider my nap time to be meditation time. I’ve heard the advice regarding exercising in the past and I usually try to do that in the morning before class but sometimes sleep gets in the way because when I’m just too tired I don’t feel like getting up early in the morning and just choose to sleep instead of exercising.

One thought on “Good stress advice but not sure how to put into practice

  1. I really recommend taking time to do meditation-like activities. I spend time praying and reading the Bible, and I have found that to be very valuable for a bunch of reasons. At this point, when I’m stressed I just give it to God! Exercise has also been a great outlet to let off steam.

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