Finding Your Happy Place

The Rose Scholars Cafe last week touched on how stress affects students on a consistent basis and provided suggestions as to how one could better deal with the impact that school has on a student’s health. Basically, stress can be noted if a person feels tension in their body, feels pressure in their head, gets anxious, feels their jaw tighten, or any number of bodily expressions. The problem is finding a way to treat the issue of stress, because it quickly impacts a person’s lifestyle without one noticing typically.

As a student as Cornell, receiving nine hours of sleep is unheard of, because of all of the extra curricular activities that students chose to get involved in while attending college. Skipping meals, getting on average five hours of sleep, and over exerting oneself are typical of a normal student. Yet, if more students could find a way to better program their schedules to fit in more time for relaxation, a healthy diet, and occasional leisure time, perhaps enjoying everyday college life may come easier.

Cornell offers so many opportunities for its students to get involved with different organizations, research opportunities, and jobs that it is not difficult to over due one’s commitments which eventually leads to not getting enough sleep or skipping meals. This then makes it difficult to stay awake in class or pay attention, and work is not as efficiently completed because one’s body and mind is simply struggling to find the energy to keep pushing forward. Luckily, Cornell’s own on campus medical facility Gannett offers various resources for students to reach out to if they are in need of assistance.

With the new expansion that Gannett is going through, it will better accommodate the large quantity of students on campus that are seeking assistance. Ultimately, this can only benefit the campus as a whole, and by promoting healthier living habits on campus, students will hopefully find a balance in their schedule between school and their own health, mental and physical.

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