Better Stress Management

Andrea Gerding and Sarah Rubenstein- Gilis talked about the important topic of how to sense stress and be able to cope with it. Stress is manifested in many ways and differently for different people. Some people said that they experience tightness in the chest, mental breakdowns, and mind racing over many things. I personally get extremely tired when I am stressed. Meditation is a great way to stay in tune with your body. They gave the good advice on how to tackle your work in periodic chunks and that you should give yourself more purposeful breaks. Purposeful breaks are short times of doing another activity that gives you more energy and makes you more motivating. For example, I see Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Fallon show clips. For longer breaks, I love to go to the gym. Seeing Facebook over the breaks actually depresses the mood for people and people tend to watch Facebook longer in losing track of time. There were some interesting tips that were given to understand how to have better sleep. Typically a person needs 9 hours while most students get much less than that. Sleep helps with emotional management and cognitive function and in fact tissue healing occurs in the seventh hour. That is critical to get for people who worked out excessively the day before. They touched on the exercise aspect a lot, which deals with me since I have made it a habit to go to the gym every weekday in the morning. Some nights I have to go to the gym since I could not make it in that morning and sometimes it helps me sleep and other times it keeps me awake. The primary way I motivate myself to exercise is that I keep my exercise clothes outside for me to see when I wake up to remind myself to go right away. Lastly, I liked how Andrea and Sarah ended with meditation. A lot of times meditation is unclear exactly what needs to be done. The key problem with me is that I tend to sleep when I start to meditate where as proper meditation actually requires you to be mentally active. Overall, I found this talk extremely helpful to understand my sleeping patterns and my mental health to help me improve my ways.

One thought on “Better Stress Management

  1. I really liked your summary of Ms. Gerding and Ms. Rubenstein-Gilis’ advice on tackling work in chunks and giving yourself more purposeful breaks! Personally, I do not tackle work in chunks, I usually plop myself in a library and sit there for hours. Once every half hour, I would check Facebook. This does seem to be very distracting and rather not that purposeful. Thus, after reading your summary, I plan on splitting work in chunks and using my breaks to read the news, or exercise!

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