Don’t Cross The Line

I attended the talk about the Dream Act and Immigrants into the United States. One of the most striking things I saw in her speech was this road sign.


This sign is posted near borders to indicate that people may be rushing across the street or border. This is not the first time I’ve seen the sign, however. I have travelled many times to California on vacation and seeing this sign is a common occurrence there. I remember the first time I saw the sign, and its an understatement to say that I was shocked.

I couldn’t believe there were posted signs depicting a family like this. On the run, ragged, in danger. It reminded me of the deer crossing signs and that disgusted me more. To me, it almost seemed like they were removing the humanity from the humans on the sign and turned them into driving cautions, like animals. Humans in search for a better life are not similar to curves in the road or construction. They are people, and thats what Esmerelda was discussing in her talk. The Dream Act is an opportunity for more immigrants to gain citizenship, and not just the ones like on this sign parody.


This only shows graduates, which is what the Dream Act has come to symbolize. Not only graduates deserve to become citizens, and some immigrants are shunning the act all together. I think thats a shame, but that immigration is a very touchy subject and one that doesn’t seem to please anyone.

One thought on “Don’t Cross The Line

  1. I found your post very interesting. I had not been aware of these signs previously. Do you think that they should remove the signs from roadways? Would this increase the risks to people attempting to immigrate? I think these are interesting questions and I definitely understand your shock when you saw the signs.

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